It’s Monday morning. I open my eyes, barely. Stagger to the window, pull back the curtain for some light. My eyes are assaulted by a bright white. I let the curtain fall and tentatively pull it back again, gently this time. In my sleepiness, I had forgotten it was softly snowing when I went to bed the night before. My eyes adjust. I throw the curtain back, and smile. Cheer, actually. Snow has covered the trees, my lawn, the driveway. Big, fluffy flakes still fall, and as I stare at them with a goofy grin, it hits me.
Winter is here.

Whether the snow stays or melts and comes back in that cycle of eastern winter, my season has begun. This is what we in the ski business live for – the first snow. It rejuvenates us like the sun does for spring flowers.
For a moment, my soul is at peace. And then, the anxiety comes. Excitement. Adrenaline. Too much to do and so little time. Like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, I begin counting my seconds, fearing that we aren’t ready to open, there is too much to do, too many people and meetings and cleaning and prepping. And then I remember. I am not alone. Our staff has been working hard to get ready to open, everyone always pulls together, our mountain family will get it done, just like we always do.
I am so happy to welcome everyone to the 2022-2023 winter season. We do plan on opening this weekend, which I always say tentatively, thanks to the weather. Our operating schedule is not yet set, because in these first days of our season, everything is dependent on the weather. As soon as we know for sure, we will send out an email blast with our hours and schedule, but I couldn’t let this beautiful and snowy moment pass without officially saying hello to my winter friends.

I cannot wait to open and see the people that keeps our mountain home open and thriving. What a great holiday gift to open our doors before the gifts are unwrapped, a pre-holiday excitement. This truly is the most wonderful time of the year, as we walk into the start of a new season, my heart is full with gratitude. Well, gratitude, anticipation, and much excitement.
Amy S. Cutler
Amy S Cutler is the Executive Manager at Mount Peter, and a writer who earned her master’s degree in Creative Writing from Goddard College. Her work can be found in Tales to Terrify, wow-women on writing, The Pitkin Review, and more. Her first novel, “A Shadow of Love,” was published in May of 2022, and her second novel, “To Have and to Hold, to Love and to Kill,” and will be released in August of 2023. She can be found at and all major book retailers.